
the name of the wine-gecko package is a tease!

2019/05/13 2:15 PM (UTC -5) | tildearrow

in order to check what's going on with wine applications failing to be unredirected and the client interfering with unredirect, I had to install Wine. but here's a problem:

$ sudo pacman -S wine-gecko wine-mono error: target not found: wine-gecko

...seriously? no wine-gecko package? then how in the world am I gonna install it? of course, I know Wine can do this for me, but they recommend using what my distro has...

*presses tab*

wine wine_gecko wine-mono wine-nine wine-staging winetricks

oh, so it wasn't wine-gecko, BUT WINE_GECKO?!?! WHAT A TEASE! seriously, who's in charge of this package naming and WHY in the freaking world did they choose to name it with an underscore!?!?! all the other packages have hyphens, but WHY NOT THIS ONE!!!!!

and don't tell me you can't rename it, because you know how wireshark was originally named ethereal, right? and there's this field called "replaces" in a package info file...