

may 2019

the name of the wine-gecko package is a tease!

in order to check what's going on with wine applications failing to be unredirected and the client interfering with unredirect, I had to install Wine. but here's a problem:

5/13 2:15 PM (UTC -5)

april 2019

push start button

seriously? what's this game gonna be?

4/21 3:10 PM (UTC -5)

I hate Arch's RetroArch packaging method!

i really do. this post will be brief, but let me explain.

4/16 3:12 PM (UTC -5)

march 2019

oh, broadcom...

i'm so pissed off at how my Broadcom wireless adapter is behaving!

3/27 2:46 AM (UTC -5)

my problems with Audacity

ok, so here is what I hate about Audacity (the audio editing program).

3/11 3:51 PM (UTC -5)

a rant on kdenlive!

i kinda hate kdenlive... you wanna know why?

3/10 3:14 AM (UTC -5)

february 2019

no posts this month.

january 2019

no posts this month.

december 2018

a guide to being unable to care less

TL; DR: don't even use that idiom. both of them ("could care less" and "couldn't care less") have flaws. prefer something more straightforward like "don't care".

12/30 8:13 PM (UTC -5)

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