
my problems with Audacity

2019/03/11 3:51 PM (UTC -5) | tildearrow

ok, so here is what I hate about Audacity (the audio editing program).

in a concise way, crashes. too many.

in an elaborate way, the program is excessively buggy under Linux. every single day I have to face at least one crash, and it's getting annoying.

first of all, sometimes it crashes after hitting "play" when you close a project (of course you must have lots of project windows active).

second, and this is the most annoying one: sometimes you can't record at all!!! when I try, it sorta works but after ~300ms (when the waveform has to update), it crashes. THE HELL WITH THIS CRAP!!!!

third, sometimes, due to a bug in PortAudio (or maybe just a bug in Audacity), an assertion fails and the program collapses.

fourth, I can't use my LV2 plugins anymore. every time I try, the program freaks out.

fifth, sometimes even applying a built-in effect will result in a crash! a few days ago I was equalizing this song, but after pressing "OK" it crashed! how insane!

sixth, when I monitor my audio input, it disables the "OK" button in effect dialogs. if you don't want me to edit while monitoring, then why not disable the entirety of the "Effects" menu?