

march 2020

kwin-lowlatency 5.18.3 released.

upstream changes, mostly.

3/10 12:11 PM (UTC -5)

HTTP/2! yes!

as of now tildearrow has opened its support for the HTTP/2 protocol.

3/06 4:57 AM (UTC -5)

february 2020

kwin-lowlatency 5.18.2 released :<

a new version of kwin-lowlatency is out!

2/25 12:27 PM (UTC -5)

kwin-lowlatency 5.18.1 released.

a new version of my version of the compositor has been released with a few fixes.

2/18 11:14 AM (UTC -5)

HTTPS on by default

as of now, I am glad to announce that HTTPS is the default protocol that will be employed for accessing this website.

2/15 5:48 PM (UTC -5)

tildearrow is back - now with HTTPS!

after 3 months of a lengthy quest, I finally got the site back (or at least for now).

2/12 1:19 PM (UTC -5)

kwin-lowlatency 5.18.0 released!

a new version of my patchset is out.

2/12 5:33 AM (UTC -5)

january 2020

no announcements this month.

december 2019

no announcements this month.

november 2019

no announcements this month.

october 2019

kwin-lowlatency 5.17.2........

a new version of KWin-lowlatency is out

10/30 2:12 AM (UTC -5)

kwin-lowlatency 5.17.1 released

despite everything, kwin-lowlatency 5.17.1 has hit the door.

10/22 1:37 PM (UTC -5)

kwin-lowlatency 5.17.0! finally!

it took a time, but I think it's there now.

10/18 1:11 PM (UTC -5)

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